Тексты и переводы песен

Death's Head

Death's pointed at your head
Your mind's on the trigger pull it
Bludgeon bodies give up their muted horror story
Scene of your rage
Death is not strange
Blood on the walls
You stand alone satisfied
I'll wake the silence in you
I'll shoot the violence
Terrified by the thought that you are all alone
Paralyzed by the fact that you are not alone
You're losing your mind, I'm losing control
You're losing your mind, as I bury your world
I'll wake the silence in you
I'll shoot the violence
I can't remember yet someone always seems to die
You are the reason why I became the chosen one
I've got the right
God makes no sense
I've got the right
I feel my back against the wall
Death's pointed at your head
Your mind's on the trigger pull it
Bludgeon bodies give up their muted horror story
Scene of my rage
Scene of my rage
Death is your name
You're facing your grave
I taste your tears caress your face
I watch you lie insane
Dying for love
Praying to die
I want what's inside you
Dressed in your blood
You wear it well
Dying because I care
Your eyes are wide but you can't see
Rotting my lust away
I'll shoot the violence through you
And wake the part that's dead
I hate the silence in you
I want what's in your head

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