Тексты и переводы песен


Oppression is the Holy Law
In God I distrust
In time His monuments will fall
Like ashes to dust
Is war and creed the master plan?
The Bible's where it all began
Its propaganda sells despair
And spreads the virus everywhere
Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion's obscene
Religion's a whore
The pestilence of Jesus Christ
There never was a sacrifice
No man upon the crucifix
Beware the cult of purity
Infectious imbecility
I've made my choice
Corruption breeds the pedophile
Don't pray for the priest
Confession finds the lonely child
God preys on the weak
You think your soul can still be saved
I think you're fucking miles away
Scream out loud, here's where you begin
Forgive me Father for I have sinned!
Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion's obscene
Religion's a whore
The target's fucking Jesus Christ
I would've lead the sacrifice
And nailed him to the crucifix
Beware the cult of purity
Infectious imbecility
I've made my choice
Jesus is pain
Jesus is gore
Jesus is the blood
That's spilled in war
He's everything
He's all things dead
He's pulling on the trigger
Pointed at your head!
Through the fear you're sold into the fraud
I see through your Christ illusion!
The war on terror just drags along
My war with God is growing strong
His propaganda sells despair
And spreads this violence everywhere
Religion is hate
Religion is fear
Religion is war
Religion is rape
Religion's obscene
Religion's a whore
There is no fucking Jesus Christ
There never was a sacrifice
No man upon the crucifix
Beware the cult of purity
Infectious imbecility
I've made my choice

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