Тексты и переводы песен

Feel Invincible

Target on my back
Lone survivor lasts
They got me in their sights
No surrender no
Trigger fingers go
Living the dangerous life
[Pre-Chorus 1: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
Hey, hey, hey
Everyday when I wake
I'm trying to get up, they're knocking me down
Chewing me up, spitting me out
Hey, hey, hey
When I need to be saved
You're making me strong, you're making me stand
Never will fall, never will end
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Nothing can stop me tonight
[Chorus: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me cause I'm
I'm made of fire
Who can stop me tonight
I'm hard wired
You make me feel invincible
[Post-Chorus: John Cooper]
I feel, I feel it
I feel, I feel it
[Verse 2: John Cooper]
Here we go again
I will not give in
I've got a reason to fight
Every day we choose
We might win or lose
This is the dangerous life
[Pre-Chorus 2: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
Hey, hey, hey
Everyday when I wake
They say that I'm gone; they say that they've won
The bell has been rung, it's over and done
Hey, hey, hey
When I need to be saved
They counting me out, but this is my round
You in my corner; look at me now
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Nothing can stop me tonight
[Chorus: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me cause I'm
I'm made of fire
Who can stop me tonight
I'm hard wired
You make me feel invincible
[Post-Chorus: John Cooper]
I feel, I feel it
I feel, I feel it
[Bridge: John Cooper]
You make me feel invincible
You make me feel invincible
Shot like a rocket up into the sky
Not gonna stop
[Chorus: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
Feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
[Chorus: John Cooper & Jen Ledger]
So feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful
Just like a tidal wave
You make me brave
You're my titanium
Fight song, raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me cause I'm
I'm made of fire
Who can stop me tonight
I'm hard wired
You make me feel invincible
[Post-Chorus: John Cooper]
I feel, I feel it
I feel, I feel it

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