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Сергей Лазарев - Tv Or Radio

Сергей Лазарев — Tv Or Radio

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Tv Or Radio

Verse 1
Life is like a TV show, you watch me
Anything you like to know about me
Come on over, say hello, I need a ride
Everybody's looking for attraction
Not afraid to pay the price for action
Never mind, just roll the dice. Forget your pride
Anything to make it, you wanna be
Not too proud to fake it, such a wannabe
Trying hard to shake it, never gonna be,lieve
TV or radio
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TV or radio
TV or radio
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TV or radio
Verse 2
Gotta have the right design to sell me
Oops I think I lost my line, so tell me
I'm a walking neon sign, you turn me on
Everybody plays a game, confusion
Never mind, it's all the same illusion
Looking for the one to blame, before it's gone
Anything to taste it, you wanna be
Not too proud to waste it, such a wannabe
Once you have replaced it, never gonna be,lieve
Anything to taste it, you wanna be
Not too proud to waste it, such a wannabe
Once you have replaced it, never gonna be,lieve
TV or radio
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TV or radio
TV or radio
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TV or radio

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