No pop
Hmm, baby, that was good
How are you feeling?
Hmm, sugar, that was wonderful
I've never done it with a DJ before
We should do it again, what do you think?
Hahaha, sure baby, anytime
Just come down to the club you know?
Hmm, you've got all these records here
Can you put something on for me?
Yeah, what do you want?
I don't know, let's see
How about Britney Spears?
What? Britney? No!
Hmm man, who the hell are you?
What's up man? Don't you remember me from the party last night?
I guess it was a good party huh?
Hell yeah dude
Hey, can you put a tune for me huh?
Fine man
Can you play some N Sync for me?
What? N Sync? No!