Тексты и переводы песен


Ringo Starr — Tonight

с альбома: Bad Boy (1978)


I can feel your breath on my face,
But i still wanna turn on the light.
Is it really you here with me tonight?
Is it really you here with me tonight?

I can't believe it,
It feels so right.
I keep on pinching myself
But i keep on holding you tight.
Is it really you here with me tonight?

When i wake up in the morning,
It sure gonna seem like a dream.
There's only one chance
I know this is going on,
That's when i can see you lying next to me.

Is it really you here with me tonight?

I can't believe it,
It feels so right.
I can feel your breath on my face,
But i still want to turn on the light.
Is it really you here,
Is it really you here,
Is it really you here with me tonight?
Is it really you here with me tonight?

Now, listen, sugar.

Is it really you here with me tonight?
Is it really you here with me tonight?
Is it really you here with me tonight?
(is it really you here with me tonight?)

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