Тексты и переводы песен

tchu tchu tcha

Caperucita Roja, a donde tu va?
Pa lavante la thcu tchu tchu tcha
Wow como ha cambiado este cuento
Pero me gusta
I`m picking you, you what I want
I want your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca,
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
I`m picking you, you what I need
I need your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
I love to teach you, I love to freak you
She loves religions its`cool find a preacher
She wants control..
She wants a contract mhm how..
Rihannas I just wanna fuck to say at elast
I know you wanna give me a piece of that ass
I can see it in your eyes yeah yeah yeah
And you can try, you can try to fight
But you gonna say yeah yeah yeah
I`m picking you, you what I want
I want your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca,
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
I`m picking you, you what I need
I need your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
You know my reputation
We ain`t gotta talk about it baby I feel about it
I ain`t got no patience so..we`re here for a good time,
So let`s take a..
And let em fuck you blind
I know you wanna give me a piece of that ass
I can see it in your eyes yeah yeah yeah
And you can try, you can try to fight
But you gonna say yeah yeah yeah
I`m picking you, you what I want
I want your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca,
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
I`m picking you, you what I need
I need your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
If you, you know
How much I want you right now
Girl I`m on the line see you come around
I want you right now
I`m picking you, you what I want
I want your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca,
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
I`m picking you, you what I need
I need your thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca
Thcu thca tcha tchu tchu thca

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