Тексты и переводы песен


Papa Roach — Tightrope

с альбома: Infest (2000)


My words are weapons, in which I murder you with
Please don't be scared, please do not turn your head
We are the future, the 21st century dyslexic, glue sniffing cybersluts
With homicidal minds and handguns
We are insane, nothing will change
We are insane, nothing will change

There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil and
I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable
My life is a circus and I am tripping down that tightrope
Well, there is nothing to save me now, so I will not look down
And again, and again, and again, and it happens again
And again, and again

There's no beginning, there is no end
There is only change
Progression backwards, is this where we are heading?
Take back your soul, forget your emptiness

There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil and
I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable
My life is a circus and I am tripping down that tightrope
Well, there is nothing to save me now, I'm falling to the ground
Falling to the ground, down to the ground, yeah

I speak of madness, my heart and soul
I cry for people who ain't got control
Let's take our sanity, let's take compassion
And be responsible for every action
Hell no, know how, the way, the way, the way know how
The way know how

There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil and
I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable
My life is a circus and I am tripping down that tightrope
Well, there is nothing to save me now, so I will not look down

There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil and
I will tiptoe down that line, but I will feel unstable
My life is a circus and I am tripping down that tightrope
Well, there is nothing to save me now, I'm falling to the ground
Down to the ground, all the way down, hidden in the dirt

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