Тексты и переводы песен

Renegade Music

Papa Roach — Renegade Music

с альбома: Who Do You Trust? (2019)

Renegade Music

It's dark outside, a world on fire that no one's safe from
It's life or death, so hold your breath or suffocate them
Provoking fears, with smoke and mirrors, the tension's rising
We waste our time, and wait in line while nothing changes

But nothing changes
Until the people get loud

So get down
Everybody, everybody get down
Take it to another level right now
No resolution
Stand up, this is renegade music
Everybody, everybody get down
Take back your life right now
Are you ready for some new shit?
Stand up, this is renegade music

This is renegade music

A house in flames, is not contained, the neighbors watching
But no one moves, they live by rules that give no options
What don't prevail can tell no tales, a dead man walking
To replicate, is playing safe and nothing changes

But nothing changes
Until the people get loud

So get down
Everybody, everybody get down
Take it to another level right now
No resolution
Stand up, this is renegade music
Everybody, everybody get down
Take back your life right now
Are you ready for some new shit?
Stand up, this is renegade music

Renegade music
This is renegade music

So get down
Everybody, everybody get down
Take it to another level right now
No resolution
Stand up, this is renegade music
Everybody, everybody get down
Take back your life right now
Are you ready for some new shit?
Stand up, this is renegade music

Stand up, this is renegade music

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