Тексты и переводы песен


Papa Roach — iSEDuF**nDie

с альбома: Old Friends From Young Years (1997)


I'm slowly .. breaking .. slowly
I'm breaking down, feeling weak
I'm thinkin' about the higher ground that I wish to seek
For the safeness, for the realness
I'll break it down simple for my people to hear this
Cause my shit is for realness, for my people to hear this

Slowly .. I'm breaking down, feeling weak
I'm thinkin' about the higher ground that I wish to seek
For the safeness, for the realness
I'll break it down simple for my people to hear this
Cause my shit is for realness, for my people

Six years of age when I first got my rage
My father broke out, and then I turned a new page of my life
It changed, then it was crazy
Thanks to my mom cause she stuck by to raise me
Since I was a baby, she stuck by to raise me
Since I was a baby, there is no sound
Coming up from the ground, there is no sound
Coming up from the ground

No way, no way [x2]
No ..

No way, no way
Not this time, no ..

Buried deep inside, there is no evidence
Feelings that I hide, sometimes are too intense
Silent, in the dark I think I'm nutty
Vicious swords of emotion slash, and leave me bloody

For my people to hear this [x3]

I said you f*cking die [x3]

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