Тексты и переводы песен

Broken As Me

You're just as broken as me

Shut your mouth cause I can see through the lies
We're only getting sicker from the secrets we hide
Disaster is our master as we lie here burning in bed
But something tells me I can not give up on you yet
I will not give up on you today

I will forgive and forget cause I know that it will set me free
But all that's left is the emptiness inside of me
You murdered my heart broke my trust and watched me fade away
Now I see, now I see
That you're just as broken as me

You're just as broken as me

You always play the victim and you just can't decide
If the vicious way we loved each other fucked up our lives
When we're standing in the aftermath our emptiness is what's left
And if you really loved me, will you love me till death?
I will love you until the end

I will forgive and forget cause I know that it will set me free
But all that's left is the emptiness inside of me
You murdered my heart broke my trust and watched me fade away
Now I see, now I see
That you're just as broken as me

Just as broken as
Just as broken as
Just as broken as
You're just as broken as me

I've been a slave
You've been a slave
I've been a slave to the hatred in you – in me
I see you're just as broken as me

I will forgive and forget cause I know that it will set me free
But all that's left is the emptiness inside of me
You murdered my heart broke my trust and watched me fade away
Now I see, now I see
That you're just as broken as me

You're just as broken as me
You're just as broken as me
You're just as broken as me

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