Тексты и переводы песен


Do a handstand won't you do a handstand , flip that money
make you do a handstand , i can make you scream like a
summer jam band got all my mans like the rubber band
band. its official bring your pistol get this money its
honey i mean it tickles i need a d boy i need a hesitant
and if he spinning them stacks i need a assistant and you
can bring the money like i bring the boys out and
everybody parked like i put the stacks out don't say you
can't say you can say you can can. flip this money flip
it like a handstand . do a handstand won't you do a
handstand flip this money make it do a handstand i can
you scream like a summer jam band got all my mans like a
rubber band band cause we like bad boys and bad cars them
hood rich dope boys and track stars

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