Тексты и переводы песен


Bribing me, we come, we watched how
We're last to throw our pennies
A passive tramps lifts her skirt
And asks us then we throw them down to her
And I know why I will always follow you
Anywhere my brother leads me to
We don't want to live in the sun
Just to keep them happy for a while
Midnight, and Frank freaks out and reaches God and
Fairly tied up too
But I know why I will always follow you
Anywhere my brother leads me to
And I remember wanting to be you
And pray to God that we would all pull through
'Cause I know why I will always follow you
If you're my brother, then I will follow you
Lifelong friends threw bottle ends
And yell in the air like lifelong enemies
Who's stronger, who's lived longer?
World quarrels and grand kids on your knee
'Cause I know I will always follow
Anywhere my brother leads me to
And I remember wanting to be you
And pray to God that we would all pull through
'Cause I know why I will always follow you
If you're my brother, then I will follow you
'Cause I know why I will always follow
I will follow you and I will
I know why I will always follow
I will follow you and I will

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