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Natalie Cole - Wild women do

Natalie Cole — Wild women do

Wild women do

Wild women do
And they don't regret it

[Verse 1:]
You tell me you want a woman
Who's as simple as a flower
If you want me to act like that
You'd better pay me by the hour

Don't want to travel in the danger zone
Take another number
Don't want a lover who can hold her own
Baby, step aside
If you don't want to ride

Wild women do
And they don't regret it
Wild women show
What they're going through

Wild women do
What you think they'll never
What you only dream about
Wild women do

[Verse 2:]
You think that love is a vision
Of a princess in a picture
Let me tell you something, little boy
You wouldn't know love if it hit you

Scared of someone who is off the wall
Kicking and a screaming
Don't you want a lover who can do it all?
Listen to me, Jack
I ain't holding, back

[Repeat Chorus:]

Come on and wild with me, baby
Come on
Everybody get wild

[Repeat Chorus:]

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