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Nat King Cole - You've Got the Indian Sign on Me

Nat King Cole — You've Got the Indian Sign on Me

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You've Got the Indian Sign on Me

Kiss, you say and I kiss you
Go, I go but I miss you
You've got the Indian sign on me
The Indian sign on me
Smile, and boy, I'm in stiches
Frown, I'm down in the ditches
My friends and relatives all agree
You've got the Indian, Wild West Indian
The Indian sign on me
I bluff and bluster, blow and bleat
To prove each move is mine
But I'm like Custer, I can't beat
That old Indian sign
Wink, I babble and bubble
Call, I'm there on the double
You've got me dreaming you'll take my name
And live in the same teepee
With two little Indians, three little Indians
Four little Indians, gee!
You've got the Indian sign on me
You've got me dreaming you'll take my name
And live in the same teepee
With two little Indians, three little Indians
Four little Indians, gee!
You've got the Indian sign on me
Writer(s): Joe Bushkin, John Burke

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