Тексты и переводы песен

Dirty Window

I see my reflection in the window
It looks different, so different than what you see
Projecting Judgement on the world
This house is clean baby
This house is clean
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Look out my window and see it's gone wrong
Court is in session and I slam my gavel down
I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too
Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector, Projector
Infrector, Injector, Defector, Rejector
I see my reflection in the window
This window clean inside, dirty on the out
I'm looking different than me
This house is clean baby
This house is clean
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Look out my window and see it's gone wrong
Court is in session and I slam my gavel down
I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too
Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector, Projector
Infrector, Injector, Defector, Rejector
I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne
I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne

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