Тексты и переводы песен


She's got eyes like Zapruder
And a mouth like heroin
She wants me to be
Perfect like Kennedy
This isn't God, this isn't God
This isn't God, this isn't God
God is just a statistic
God is just a statistic
Say, "Show me the dead stars, all of them sing"
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
This is a riot, religious and clean
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
God is a number you cannot count to
You are post-human and hardwired
She's pilgrim and pagan
Soft worn and social
In all of her dreams
She's a saint like Jackie O
This isn't God, this isn't God
This isn't God, this isn't God
God is just a statistic
God is just a statistic
Say, "Show me the dead stars, all of them sing"
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
This is a riot, religious and clean
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
"Show me the dead stars, all of them sing"
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
This is a riot, religious and clean
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
God is a number you cannot count to
God is a number you cannot count to
God is a number you cannot count to
You are post-human and hardwired
"All that glitters is cold"
"All that glitters is cold"
"All that glitters is cold"
Say, "Show me the dead stars, all of them sing"
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
This is a riot, religious and clean
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
"Show me the dead stars, all of them sing"
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
This is a riot, religious and clean
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Ladies and gentlemen
Omēga and the Mechanical Animals

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