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Grudge Match

And it goes like BANG! and they're off and running,
looking around like someone do something.
Stop fronting, don't matter I come gunning.
So little time to squeeze all this fun in
humming. Coming at you now.
Stupid enough to stand, we'll back you down like
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What ? No, it can't be stopped.
Break out your little riot gear, call the cops,
call the SWAT team, give me all you've got.
The finger ready on the trigger and we're calling the shots.
So, y'all really gonna brawl or not ?
My best bet's you're probably gonna stall or stop.
Got caught doing rocks, opportunity blocked.
And when I sit back, I'll put a hole in your shot.
So hah, we don't huff and puff.
We'll turn your home and your stuff into a gust of dust,
but I'm back 'til you act like enough is enough.
Say a peep and I'll promise we'll fuck you up.
Skip the left for the sake of the family.
I don't have to say a word, y'all understand me.
Stand up and put your back down flat
And we'll keep it like, like that.

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