Тексты и переводы песен

Castle of Glass

Take me down to the river-bend.
Take me down to the fighting end.
Wash the poison from off my skin.
Show me how to be whole again.
Fly me up on a silver wing.
Past the black where the sirens sing.
Warm me up in a nova's glow.
And drop me down to the dream below.
Cause I'm only a crack
In this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything there for you to see.
For you to see.
Bring me home in a blinding dream.
Through the secrets that I have seen.
Wash the sorrow from off my skin
and show me how to be whole again.
Cause I'm only a crack
In this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything there for you to see.
For you to see.
Cause I'm only a crack
In this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything else I need to be.
Cause I'm only a crack
In this Castle of Glass.
Hardly anything there for you to see.
For you to see.

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