Тексты и переводы песен

No Big Deal

Looking from a distanc,e seems like I've lost it all
And everyone around me is waiting for this girl to fall
But my heart is missing, I just lost control
If I don't know why, why would I know how?
I've been working with the devils, trying to exorcise
My feelings I've been hiding down on a darker side
But what's I'm taking in trading, never sold my soul
I'm simply moving on, going, gone
Think I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build all my life so I'm safe from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright no big deal
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
No big deal
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
How can I expect anybody to understand?
I've been silent treating all on my own demands
Now all I need is freedom on this ego-land
Wanna do no wrong
I'm simply moving on
I'm going, going, gone
I think I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build all my life so I'm safe from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright no big deal
It's Alright
And after all I know, there's nothing left to say
And if it's all my fault, I'll take it all
I'm moving on, going, going, gone
I'm thinking I'm losing the fight to make sense of it all
Got to build all my life so I'm safe from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright no big deal
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
I think I'm losing the fight
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
So I'm saved from the fall
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright no big deal
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
It's Alright
No big deal
(It's alright, it's alright no big deal)
I'm subjected, expected to know what I feel
But I don't feel nothing, it's alright

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