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New Slaves

Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill
Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill, chill
My mama was raised in the era when
Clean water was only served to the fairer skin
Doin' clothes, you woulda thought I had help
But they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself
You see it's broke nigga racism
That's that "Don't touch anything in the store"
And it's rich nigga racism
That's that "Come in, please buy more"
"What you want, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain?
All you blacks want all the same things"
Used to only be niggas, now everybody playin'
Spendin' everything on Alexander Wang
New slaves
You see it's leaders and it's followers
But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower
You see it's leaders and it's followers
But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower
I throw these Maybach keys, I wear my heart on the sleeve
I know that we the new slaves, I see the blood on the leaves
I see the blood on the leaves, I see the blood on the leaves
I know that we the new slaves, I see the blood on the leaves
They throwin' hate at me, want me to stay at ease
Fuck you and your corporation, y'all niggas can't control me
I know that we the new slaves, I know that we the new slaves
I'm 'bout to wild the fuck out, I'm goin' Bobby Boucher
I know that pussy ain't free, you niggas pussy, ain't me
Y'all throwin' contracts at me, you know that niggas can't read
Throw on some Maybach keys, fuck it, c'est la vie
I know that we the new slaves, y'all niggas can't fuck with me
Y'all niggas can't fuck with Ye, y'all niggas can't fuck with Ye
I'll move my family out the country so you can't see where I stay
So go and grab the reporters, so I can smash their recorders
See, they'll confuse us with some bullshit like the New World Order
Meanwhile the DEA teamed up with the CCA
They tryna lock niggas up, they tryna make new slaves
See, that's that privately owned prison, get your piece today
They prolly all in the Hamptons, braggin' 'bout what they made
Fuck you and your Hampton house, I'll fuck your Hampton spouse
Came on her Hampton blouse and in her Hampton mouth
Y'all 'bout to turn shit up, I'm 'bout to tear shit down
I'm 'bout to air shit out, now what the fuck they gon' say now?
I won't end this high, not this time again
So long, so long, so long, you cannot survive
And I'm not dyin', and I can't lose
I can't lose, no, I can't lose
'Cause I can't leave it to you
So let's get too high, get too high again
Too high again, too high, ooh hoo-hoo-hoo, woo
Yeah, h-h-h-high, h-high-high, high-high high-igh-high-high
H-high-igh, yeah, high, high-igh
Egyszer a Nap úgy elfáradt (mhm-igh)
Elaludt mély zöld tó ölén
Az embereknek fájt a sötét
Ő megsajnált, eljött közénk

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