Тексты и переводы песен

More of You

I don't look at you, I stare
I can't breathe, you stole my air
But I want more of you
I want more of you
I'm not impressed, I'm amazed
I write your name on every page
I want more of you
I want more of you
No I don't like you, I love you
I don't want you, I need you
I need more of you
I need more of you
I don't miss you, I crave
We're not coincidence, we're fate
Still I want more of you
I want more of you
You, you
It's more than a spark, it's reaching fire
You're my muse and I'm so inspired
I want more of you
I want more of you
I'm not just free now, I am saved
All my defenses have been betrayed
I want more of you
I want more of you
And I don't like you, I love you
I don't want you, I need you
I need more of you
I need more of you
I don't miss you, I crave
We're not coincidence, we're fate
Still I want more of you
I want more of you
And if it's all too much too soon
I'll take my time
As long as I get more of you
'Cause I don't like you, I love you
I don't want you, I need you
I need more of you
I need more of you
I don't like you, I love you
I don't want you, I need you
I need more of you
I need more of you
I don't miss you, I crave
We're not coincidence, we're fate
Still I want more of you
I want more of you
You, you

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