Тексты и переводы песен

Better Love

I won't get a hold, shaking through
(Chasing memory of it still, of every chill...)
Chided by the silence and it hush the blind
Blind to the purpose of the group divine
But you and I
Staring of the blackness at some distant star
The thrill of knowing how alone we are
Unknown we are
To the wild and to the both of us
I confessed along and I was dreaming of...
Some better love, but there's no better love
Beckons above me and there's no better love
Whatever has loved me, there's no better love
Darling, feel better love!
Feel better love!
I've never loved a darker blue
Than the darkness I've known in you
Own from you
Used heart would sing of anarchy
Your eleven meanings guaranteed, so beautifully
When our truth is burned from this city
By those who figured justice in fond memory
Witness me
Like fire weeping from a Cedar tree
Knowing that my love would burn with me
We'll live eternally
Cause there's no better love
That beckons above me, there's no better love
Whatever has loved me, there's no better love
So darling, feel better love
Cause there's no better love
That's laid beside me, there's no better love
What justifies me, there's no better love
So darling, darling, feel better love
Feel better love
Feel better love....
Feel better love....
Feel better love....
'Cause there's no better love
That beckons above me, there's no better love
Whatever has loved me, there's no better love
So darling, feel better love
Cause there's no better love
That's laid beside me, there's no better love
What justifies me, there's no better love
So darling, darling, feel better love
(Feel better love...)

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