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Hillsong UNITED - People Just Like Us

Hillsong UNITED — People Just Like Us

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People Just Like Us

Makes you wanna dance
Makes you wanna sing
Makes you wanna shout all about it
Shout all about it
Shout it that Jesus is King (x2)
Every nation power and tongue
Will bow down to Your name
Every eye will see
Every ear will hear Your name proclaimed
And this is gonna be our cry
Until You come again
Jesus is the only name
By which man can be saved
All over the world people just like us
Are calling Your name
Living in Your love
All over the world people just like us
Are following Jesus
Every nation power and tongue
Will bow down to Your name
Every eye will see
Every ear will hear Your name proclaimed
And this is gonna be our cry
Until You come again
Jesus is the only name
By which man can be saved
(Chorus x2)
We're worshiping Jesus
We're following Jesus
We're worshiping Jesus
We're calling on Jesus
Makes you wanna dance
Makes you wanna sing
Makes you wanna shout all about it
Shout all about it
Shout it that Jesus is King (x2)
(Chorus x4)
We're worshiping Jesus
We're following Jesus
We're worshiping Jesus
We're calling on Jesus

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