Тексты и переводы песен

He Is Lord

We will worship You Jesus
High and lifted up
Oh, blessed Lamb once slain
Will reign for evermore
His hands once bound now save
Our God will never fail
He is Lord, He is Lord
Sings my soul, He is the Lord
And He lives, yes He lives
I'm alive 'cause Jesus lives
Because you live Jesus
'Tis at the cross of Christ
Where earth and heaven meet
Where sin is overcome
To God the victory
And now let the earth resound with praise
For our Savior God He reigns
He is high and lifted up
Arise for the King of glory waits
He is coming back again
He is coming back again
I know You are Lord
I love You Lord
You are worthy of praise
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Oh, Jesus You
'Cause He is Lord, He is Lord
Sings my soul, He is the Lord
And He lives, He lives, yes He lives
I'm alive 'cause Jesus lives
And now let the earth resound with praise
For our Savior God He reigns
He is high and lifted up
Arise for the King of glory waits
He is coming back again (x8)

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