Тексты и переводы песен

Eagle's Wings

Here I am waiting, abide in me, I pray
Here I am longing for You
Hide me in Your love, bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more and more
Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
Here I am waiting, abide in me, I pray
Here I am longing for You
Hide me in Your love, bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more and more
Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
I will rise on eagle's wings, I will rise on eagle's wings (x3)
On eagle's wings

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