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Hillsong UNITED - Can't Stop Praising

Hillsong UNITED — Can't Stop Praising

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Can't Stop Praising

Try to find the words to express the way You are
But the beauty of the Lord
Can not be described
In just one lifetime
Look at the sun over the seas
Look at Your grace that covers me
Now I know, yes I know
Now I know, I know
Your love has saved me
In the morning
I can't stop praising Your Name
In the evening
I can't stop praising Your Name
In the morning
I can't stop praising Your Name
In the evening, I can't stop
And I want you to know
Yes, I want you to know, oh yes I
And I want you to know
Yes, I want you to know
Lord You're so amazing
Every word You say is true
Better than the finest treasure
So glad that I found You
You held me close when I was down
Your world has turned my world around
Now I know, yes I know
Now I know, I know
How much I love you
Hallelujah, we praise Your Name
We praise Your Name

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