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For Ruby

Never seen someone make pink so pretty
Play make up and dresses litter the floor
Her smile's chasing her cheeks to her eyebrows
We'll laugh until our tummies get sore
Only five years old and she's so nervous
Daddy blows out candles and he sweats
Too young to understand this birthday
Will be the best gift Daddy ever gets
She said her body held a monster
And she needs help trying to fight it
And she knew that when he crossed her
That it was wrong but she could right it
And she took my hand
And I said, please put up your fists
Put on a smile, and blow them a kiss
'Cause darling you're nothing but brave
And I know that you can be saved
We're gonna chase down the monster
We're gonna chase down the monster
Glitter painted toenails and she stands tall
Says Momma, Santa's coming soon
Momma laughs and chokes her tears back
Says baby girl he's coming just for you
Only five years old and she's so precious
Sings to every song on the radio
Too young to understand that this one
Was written just for Ruby 'cause I know
She said her body held a monster
And she needs help trying to fight it
And she knew that when he crossed her
That it was wrong but she could right it
And she took my hand
So darling don't you give up
Go and put your chin up
Show 'em that your strong enough when it gets rough
To last a second round
Darling please put up your fists
Put on a smile and blow them a kiss
'Cause darling you're nothing but brave
And I know that you can be saved
Put up your fists
Put on a smile and blow them a kiss
'Cause Ruby, you're nothing but brave
Oh, and I know that you can be saved
We're gonna chase down the monster
Yeah we can chase down the monster
We're gonna chase down the monster
Yeah we can chase down the monster
We're gonna chase down the monster

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