Тексты и переводы песен

Gloria Estefan - Along Came You (A Song for Emily)

Gloria Estefan — Along Came You (A Song for Emily)

с альбома: Destiny (1996)

Along Came You (A Song for Emily)

I thought that I knew all there was to know
I knew all about love
I lived the highs and made it through the lows
I knew all about love
But now I must admit I'm surprised
And feel I've only scratched the surface
'Cause baby when I look in your eyes
I understand my one true purpose

You were sent to me
By angels up above, I'm certain
I thought I'd show you what love can be
But what did I know
Until along came you
To teach me about love
Oh yes, along came you
To teach me about love

And as this feeling grows with every day
You awaken my heart
A heart so full I fear that it may break
If we're ever apart
And though one day you'll be own your own
You know I always will be near you
As near as on the day you were born
Call on me, you know I'll hear you

You were sent to me
For one reason, I can tell you
You're here to show me what love can be
'Cause what did I know
Until along came you
To teach me about love
Oh yes, along came you
To teach me about love

Thula thula sana
U mama uyeza
Thula Thula sana
Thula thula sana
U mama uyeza

You were sent to me
By angels up above, I'm certain
You're here to show me what love can be
'Cause what did I know
Until along came you
To teach me about love, oh
Oh yes, along came you
To teach me about love
Teach me about love
Oh yes, along came you
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
Teach me about love
Baby, baby teach me about love
Oh yes, along came you

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