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Eurythmics — Precious

с альбома: We Too Are One (1989)


Never had a lot of spending money
Never had a lot of change to spare
But, darling, do you think I'm worried
Little, darling, do you think I care

There's a whole lot of things in this precious world
That a whole lot money can't buy
You Can't get it from your pocket books
And I'm gonna tell you why

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

All the different kinds of teas in China
All the shiny little gems so rare
Gold and silver and sparkling diamonds
Won't ever with your love compare

So, take your prayers and your troubles
And send them all away
Throw them back where they all belong
Forget about them for a day

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

Because it's precious
Precious thing
Your love is precious, child
Precious thing
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Precious thing

A little bit of understanding
Is gonna change your heart and soul
It's gonna heal your broken spirit
So make love your special goal

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child
Because it's precious
Your love is precious, child

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