Тексты и переводы песен

I Remember You

Eurythmics — I Remember You

с альбома: Revenge (1986)

I Remember You

Well there's a colour picture
In my mind
Of all the places
That I've left behind
The broken windows
Where the wind blows through
Empty shells of houses
That have turned to ruin

Oh - we were so young
We didn't realise
Just what we'd done
Oh - we were too young

And I remember you
You were the back yard boy
Hiding in the wreckage
Of broken dreams
Standing by the railway line

Oh - we were so young
We didn't realise
Just what we'd done
Oh - we were too young

And all the sweetness
Has been taken out of this place
So many memories
Are knocked down or replaced
And I can't stand to see
The shifting time
Taking me further -
Leaving you behind

Oh - we were so young
We didn't realise
Just what we'd done
Oh - we were too young

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