Тексты и переводы песен


Eurythmics — Adrian

с альбома: Be Yourself Tonight (1985)


Adrian - don't you understand?
Fools like us are always dreaming
And when you go to bed
And cover up your head
It's better if you try to stop remembering
And the world is slowly dawning
To wake up to a new clear morning
Some of them just half your age
Get written off, page by page

Adrian don't you understand?
Fools like us are always dreaming
And when you go to bed
And cover up your head
It's better if you try to stop remembering
Some of them just half your age
Get written off page by page

And the world is softly sleeping
While your fears are in their keeping
All the planet's making haste
To blow to bits in outer space
Adrian - don't you understand?

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