Тексты и переводы песен

Upside Down

Some things are hidden in weird lands.
Just like treasures, volcanic bombs
sleepin' in your belly so innocently
and you're their home.
On the way down all seems to be bigger.
And the way up, is a funny picture
of me looking like a monster.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, so lost.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up up.
Upon the hill a friendly face
showing up lost in the woods.
You don't know who I am
and all I want is to keep on swinging.
On my swing never felt so stable
though I'm small and I don't know many things
but I just love you strangers.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up up.
(It's like one thousand mouths talking to you...)
(I have to lay down...)
(I have to lay down...)
(I have to lay down...)
(I have to lay down...)
(I have to lay down...)
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, so lost.
Up up upside down, so real.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside down, oh yeah.
Up up upside down, oh.
Up up upside... is all I am.
(Up up...) Is all I am.
(Up up...) Up up upside down.
Up up upside down, so lost.
Up up upside down, so real.
Up up upside down, so lost.
Up up upside down, I'm upside down.
Up up upside down, oh yeah, oh yeah.

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