Тексты и переводы песен

No Hero

Don’t you shut your eyes
And hide your heart behind a shadow
Cause you can count on me
As long as I can breathe
You should know
I’ll carry out through the night
Through the storm
Give you love only love in return
I can’t jump over buildings, I'm no hero
But love can do miracles
I cannot run a bullet
I’m no hero
But I’d take one for you
Sure I would
I’ve fallen from grace
I have much less to say than a sinner
No I ain’t no superhuman
Cause that’s just in the movies I know
But I carry you through the night
Through the storm
Give you love always love in return
I can’t jump over buildings, I’m no hero
But love can do miracles
I cannot run a bullet
I’m no hero
But I’d take one for you
I can’t jump over buildings, I'm no hero
But love can do miracles
I cannot run a bullet
Cause I’m no hero
But I would spill my blood for you
If you need me to
Don’t say this is over
Looking for better days
Don’t say this over
There’s no loser
Look at the better days
Just what it gets
I can't jump over building I’m no hero
But love can do miracles
I cannot run a bullet
Cause I’m no hero
But I’d take one for you
I can’t jump over buildings I'm no hero
But love can do miracles
I cannot run a bullet
Cause I'm no hero
But I would spill my blood for you
If you need me to
I’ll be there
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
(Don’t you know what I’ve done)
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah

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