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Cigarettes After Sex - Young & Dumb

Cigarettes After Sex — Young & Dumb

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Young & Dumb

Wearing black lipstick, bleaching your hair blonde
Put on your socks
Cut-offs and jean shorts, vampire fangs
And your I Love New York shirt
Well I know full well that you are
The patron saint of sucking cock
Señorita, you're a cheater
Well, so am I
You want to go where the girls are young and dumb and hot as fuck
Where they're dancing in the streets with nothing on
I drive your car to the beach with this song on repeat, you showed me
I drive your car to the beach with this song on repeat, oh, baby
My heart is racing watching you kiss him on my guitar
Faking the teardrop by spraying my eye with that water gun
Well I know full well that you are
The patron saint of sucking cock
Señorita, you're a cheater
Well, so am I
We want to go where the girls are young and dumb and hot as fuck
Where they're dancing in the streets with nothing on
I drive your car to the beach with this song on repeat, you showed me
I drive your car to the beach with this song on repeat, oh, baby

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