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Christine and the Queens - No Harm Is Done

Christine and the Queens — No Harm Is Done

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No Harm Is Done

It's a blur
The pulsing is so loud, surely we'd feel better
If we had something to fight for (Oh, ahh)
Oh, mother
I walk like a boy, mad at whoever
Would step on the game that he just drew (Oh, ahh)
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
And if this is where you stand then no harm is done yet
If it's where you stand then no harm is done
Sure, we slur
Though we wrote it down
It's unclear and bitter
Tears and sweat can numb like melted snow (Oh, ahh)
Uh, my anger
Once it's figured out, will finally matter
Pass it on to you, give it a go (Oh, ahh)
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
And if this is where you stand then no harm is done yet
If it's where you stand then no harm is done
We lose control when we were meant to win
Don't lose the focus, never settle in (Oh)
We could find a way and end the sin
Or I could go and be the better man
I can follow
Wanna take the lead but I roam all alone
With a heart so hollow
While you are holding the lock and the key to my soul (Oh)
I guess this is a plea to be free, written to someone soul
If this where we are, then tell me just where should I go
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
If it's where we are, no harm is done yet
And if this is where you stand, then no harm is done, yet
If it's where you stand, then no harm is done yet

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