Тексты и переводы песен

roses in the rain (lullaby)

Christina Perri — roses in the rain (lullaby)

с альбома: songs for rosie (2021)

roses in the rain (lullaby)

Monday morning, see the children on their way to school
Clouds are hanging low around my heart, the air is cool
I've got the strangest feeling like I'm waiting for a train
Looking out the window at the roses in the rain

Walked around the supermarket talking to myself
The man behind the counter asked me if I need some help
I knew that he could see it
'Cause he didn't know what to say
So I asked him if knew about the roses in the rain

Maybe in a little while, I'll put some coffee on
Can't stop wondering where do spirits go when they are gone
Maybe it was tomorrow, but it felt like today
You and I were walking
You and I were walking
You and I were walking through the roses in the rain

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