Тексты и переводы песен


[Verse 1 - Chris Brown]
I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I could barely speak?
Barely eat?
On my knees
[Verse 2 - Keri Hilson]
Well that's the moment you came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible, I see
Through the me, I used to be
You changed my hole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me, with your love
I'm feeling a superhuman you did that to me
Superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
[Verse 3 - Chris Brown]
Since I've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like I've had it all along
I can see tomorrow
[Verse 4 - Keri Hilson]
Well every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelieveable to see how love could set me free
You changed my hole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me, with your love
I'm feeling a superhuman you did that to me
Superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
It's not a bird, not a plane
It's my heart and it's going gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I feel like I can do
Going going I'm gone away
Your love
You changed my hole life
Don't know what you're doing
To me, with your love
I'm feeling a superhuman you did that to me
Superhuman heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you

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