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See Through

[Verse 1]
She's like a diamond in the rough, she's my passion
Supernova, the brightest star, the main attraction
Only she motivates my heart to beat like it's racing
So I put her up on a pedestal, all up under her like a basement, but I wonder if she notice me
Yeah, that girl I see ya
And baby, I promise I will make you a believer tonight
This is an introduction, to your seduction
I promise you'll be alright
You are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, my heart breaks like I'm made of glass
Girl, you are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, just want the adrenaline back
[Verse 2]
My desire, infrared on you, all I see is fire
And I just want to cool it down, baby, just hear me out, I think that she's looking right now
Baby, all I want to do is save you and if this is a dream I don't wanna wake up
From there, come here, can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Yeah, that girl I see ya
And baby, I promise I will make you a believer tonight
This is an introduction, to your seduction
I promise you'll be alright
You are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, my heart breaks like I'm made of glass
Girl, you are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, just want the adrenaline back
[Verse 3]
(VA, haha, look, can't see me)
What I gotta do for you to notice me?
I'm Breezy, ain't nobody cold as me
With all this ice on, I'm supposed to freeze
But I put that fur on, call me polar beast, yeah
E-A-R, she play hard
Worship her, she should play God
Fresh cut, I'm a king, call me Caesar
Need to listen up, call me H-E-A-R, ha
I could've picked her
But a nigga really wanted you
Only had one whip first
But fuck it, I don't mean to curse, now I got a few
A couple cribs, some bangin' views
The only thing missin' is me and you
While I swim in, you could see the pool
But I live in glass house, I'm see through, ha
You are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, my heart breaks like I'm made of glass
Girl, you are, you're treating me like I'm see through
Just like I'm see through, just want the adrenaline back

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