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Céline Dion - One Heart

Céline Dion — One Heart

с альбома: One Heart (2003)

One Heart

One heart you are following...
You can run
And you can begin
In a place
Where you don't fit in
'Cause love will find a way
When you're down
You can start again
Turn around
Anything you're in
Love will find a place
If you got...
One heart you are following
One dream that keeps you wandering
Love lights your way through the night
One wish that keeps you trying
What's your silver lining
Love lights your way through the night
You can fall a thousand times
You can feel like you've lost your mind
But love will find a way
And a minute
Can change your life
And a moment can make it right
Love will find a place
Everybody needs something to hold onto
If you got...
One heart you are following
One dream that keeps you wandering
Love lights your way through the night
One wish that keeps you trying
What's your silver lining
Love lights your way through the night
Is it your own
Is it your own

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