Тексты и переводы песен


There's too much of this noise
Boy, let's get a seat
So you can talk sweet to me
I see these other boys
But you got me on the dance floor
Now you're like, buyin' me drinks
You’s a sexy guy, and I wonder why
We could have some fun, so don’t be shy
Baby, just enjoy what’s on your mind
Party and have a good time
It's gettin' hectic in here
It's gettin' chaotic
I'm rockin', I'm rollin'
No stoppin', we goin' until it's over
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, I think it's so chaotic
Oh, I'm wild, I'm on fire (Burnin' up the dance floor)
Turn it up higher, wild like a tiger (Tell me, do you want more?)
Everybody blink your lights
Party from the left to right
Oh, I'm on fire
Oh, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, it's chaotic
There's too much of the sound
I'm on the prowl
So please don't turn me down
I'm having so much fun and we ain’t done
I'm gonna tell you now, the DJ is my friend
So let’s begin, I'ma do my dance until the end
Baby, just get down, let's paint the town
Everybody here's gettin' wild
It's gettin' hectic in here
It's gettin' chaotic
I'm rockin', I'm rollin'
No stoppin', we goin' until it's over
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, I think it's so chaotic
Oh, I'm wild, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Turn it up higher, wild like a tiger (Tell me, do you want more?)
Everybody blink your lights
Party from the left to right
Oh, I'm on fire
Oh, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, it's chaotic
Oh, I'm wild, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Turn it up higher, wild like a tiger (Tell me, do you want more?)
Everybody blink your lights
Party from the left to right
Oh, I'm on fire
Oh, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, it's chaotic
Look at what you do to me
Melt it down for all to see
I can't help it, no, I can't
Burn it down so we can dance
Look at what you made me do
I can't get enough of you
Turn me in and turn me out
Just don't put the fire out
Oh, I'm wild, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Turn it up higher, wild like a tiger (Tell me, do you want more?)
Everybody blink your lights
Party from the left to right
Oh, I'm on fire
Oh, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, it's chaotic
Oh, I'm wild, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Turn it up higher, wild like a tiger (Tell me, do you want more?)
Everybody blink your lights
Party from the left to right
Oh, I'm on fire
Oh, I'm on fire (Burning up the dance floor)
Do you like the way I rock it?
Boy, it's chaotic
Aah, la la la
Ah, la la la la
Aah, la la la
Aah, la la la

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