Тексты и переводы песен

Devil's Choir

You've been running for so long, still breathing
Hoping soon to find a song worth singing
Every chapter of this node they're reading
But your slowing loosing hope on bleeding
I'll carry on, my darkest desire
Life sing to you, through devil's choir!
Fear, won't, shield what burns at you
I'll carry on, away from the fire
My desire, devil's choirs
(Raise another broken glass to failure)
A simple promise of a crimson savior
Take a look into the life you're leaving
I promise you this isn't pain you're feeling
I'll carry on, my darkest desire
Life sings for you, through devil's choir!
Fear, won't, shield what burns at you
I'll carry on, away from the fire
I'll carry on, my darkest desire
Life sings for you, through devil's choir!
Fear, won't, shield what burns at you
I'll carry on, away from the fire
My desire, devil's choirs

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