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Bee Gees - If Only I Had My Mind On Something Else

Bee Gees — If Only I Had My Mind On Something Else

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If Only I Had My Mind On Something Else

I could be king of kings
Wear a crown and all the things I'd want
I'd never need
I'd be an ace in an aero-plane
And every year I'd fly to Spain
If I could get the nerve to plant the seed
Oh, tell me how to say goodbye
I see her face in myself
Why, tell me why I made her cry
If only I had my mind on something else
Captain of the submarine
Beneath the icebergs never seen
A hero with a medal for everyday
I find me fame, reach the top
I'll keep on pushing, never stop
If I could just forget her name
Oh, tell me how to say goodbye
I see her face in myself
Why, tell me why I made her cry
If only I had my mind on something else
If only I had my mind on something else

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