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Ace Frehley - Rockin' With the Boys

Ace Frehley — Rockin' With the Boys

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Rockin' With the Boys

I've worked so hard, you know, I travel so much
We've had our differences that don't make a fuss
Each day I'm gone, my heart grows fonder for you
We've had the best of times
I'm there for you
And you're there for me, yeah
No need to worry, I'll be home soon
'Cause I'm rockin' with the boys
Don't be sad, I'm workin' tonight
I'm rockin' with the boys
Tour buses make me wanna jump out the door
I'm sick of truck stops and shit on the floor
What keeps me going are my memories of you
We've had the best of times
I'm there for you (I'm there for you)
And you're there for me, yeah
No need to worry, I'll be home soon
'Cause I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
Don't be sad, I'm workin' tonight
I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
I'll give you a buzz when I take a break
Now, I'm rockin' with the boys (I'm rockin' with the boys!)
Don't be afraid (Don't be afraid)
You know I'll be home soon
You can count on me (You can count on me)
Soon I'll be holdin' you
I'm there for you (I'm there for you)
And you're there for me, yeah
No need to worry, I'll be home soon
'Cause I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
Don't be sad, I'm workin' tonight
I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
I'll give you a buzz when I take a break
Now, I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
No need to worry, I'll be home soon
'Cause I'm rockin' with the boys (I'm rockin' with the boys!)
Don't be sad, I'm workin' tonight
I'm rockin' with the boys (Rockin' with the boys)
I'll give you a buzz when I take a break
Now, I'm rockin' with the boys (I'm rockin' with the boys!)
No need to worry, I'll be home soon
'Cause I'm rockin' with the boys (You know where I'm at, baby)
Don't be sad, I'm workin' tonight
I'm rockin' with the boys
I'll give you a buzz when I take a break
Now, I'm rockin' with the boys

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