Тексты и переводы песен

Off My Back

I'm sick and tired of feelin' this way
Tryin' to find the words, what to say
Each day, I turn around and you're still there
I'm at my breaking point, I just don't care
We go in circles with no end in sight
You're drivin' me crazy, now I've seen the light
So sick of fightin' and that's a fact
I need to get you, girl, off my back
So much confusion I'm feelin' today
I wanna be somewhere else, so far away
You gotta understand our time has passed
It's time to separate and I'm talkin' fast
We go in circles with no end in sight
You're drivin' me crazy, now I've seen the light
So sick of fightin' and that's a fact
I need to get you, girl, off my back
We go in circles with no end in sight
You're drivin' me crazy, now I've seen the light
So sick of fightin' and that's a fact
I need to get you, girl, off my back
We go in circles with no end in sight
You're drivin' me crazy, now I've seen the light
So sick of fightin' and that's a fact
I need to get you, girl, off my back
We go in circles with no end in sight
You're drivin' me crazy, now I've seen the light
So sick of fightin' and that's a fact
I need to get you, girl, off my back

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