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ABBA - In The Arms Of Rosalita

ABBA — In The Arms Of Rosalita

In The Arms Of Rosalita

Tell me Pedro
Why did you leave
Still Ive got your white sombrero
In your eyes
I believed Id found my hero
But I know some day youll regret
Youll return to your seсorita
Happy as you can be in the arms of Rosalita

Oh, Alfredo
Give me the truth
Go and find my darling Pedro
Im your friend
Youre the one - my caballero
Pedros never sure of himself
- where to find a sweet seсorita
Saddle your horse my dear
bring him back to Rosalita
Oh, my Pedro
You and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
and the scars theyre leavin
Well be dancin once again
and the pain will end
There will be no time for grievin

Oh, my Pedro
No, I wont cry cause the sun is still in the sky
and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more
like you did before
in the arms of Rosalita
Sing once more
Like you did before
in the arms of Rosalita

Then the walls came tumblin down
when Alfredo blew the candle All is gone but its not too hard to handle
Oh, my Pedro
Tell me the truth
Rosalita wont be a feather
I see
youre so happy gay together

Oh, my Pedro
No, I wont cry cause the sun is still in the sky
and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more
like you did before
in the arms of Rosalita
Sing once more
Like you did before
in the arms of Rosalita

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