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ABBA - Crazy World

ABBA — Crazy World

Crazy World

I was out for the
morning sun
Couldnt sleep so I thought Id take a walk
I was thinking of you and me
And I went to your house cos I had to talk
I could hardly believe my eyes
When I saw this guy closing your front door
Had a feeling of emptiness
Like Ive never had before

And I close my eyes
Will you leave me, girl?
And I realise
Its a crazy world

As he disappeared in his car
I was stunned and I didnt know what to do
Everything I had ever been
Everything in my lifes a part of you
And I just couldnt move my feet
So I stood on the pavement as you came out
You acted as you didnt know
What it was all about

And I close my eyes
Will you leave me, girl?
And I realise
Its a crazy world

Baby how could you do it
You just told me lies
Had you been behind my back with other guys?
Baby how could you tell me
There was only me
I was stupid to believe you
I was blind but now I see

Then you smiled and you took my hand
""There is something,"" you said ""that you may not
Theres a couple of men in my life,
And one of them is my brother Joe.
Hes been gone for a long long time
But hes back and I think hes gonna stay.
Youll be seeing a lot of him
Hes so nice in every way.""

And I close my eyes
Never leave me, girl
And I realise
Its a crazy world
So I close my eyes
Never leave me, girl
Then I realise
Its a crazy world

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