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Dhurata Dora - Game Over

Dhurata Dora — Game Over

Game Over

Heey Player afrohesh pak ma ngat
e ki ndru stilin je vesh me tesha kat
Ja nis me fol shum kishe diqka mem tregu
Fol knej e anej shkon tu filozofu
Jo jo veq vazhdo se une jam tut ngu
Po shum je gabim se kto fore s'shkojn me mu
Bon stila shum gjeste vaxhdon me komplimente
Kujton qe se di qe ti je shum fake man
STOP IT! Se une koh per ty nuk kom
Loja jote ktu mbaron (x2)
This is for my ladys all over the world
Dont let him take your heart
Dont let him cause it hurts
Dont give him a chance
Dont believe every word
So playaz dont u know what it means to play with the girls OU (x2)
Yup playboy tash ik e lem rahat
Sjom sikur tjera un ty ta boj SHAHMAT
Kujton ti per veti qe je ma i miri nbot
Ey zbrit pak prej qiellit e ec neper tok
NoNo playa ti smun mu mem mashtru
Foret qe i thua besom un i kom shkru
Sum bon mu perveti E di mir kush je ti
Femna me nje gisht mun ta udhheq nje mbreti
STOP IT! Se une koh per ty nuk kom
Loja jote ktu mbaron (x2)
This is for my ladys all over the world
Dont let him take your heart
Dont let him cause it hurts
Dont give him a chance
Dont believe every word
So playaz dont u know what it means to play with the girls OU (x2)
STOP IT! Se une koh per ty nuk kom
Loja jote ktu mbaron (x2)
This is for my ladys all over the world
Dont let him take your heart
Dont let him cause it hurts
Dont give him a chance
Dont believe every word
So playaz dont u know what it means to play with the girls OU (x2)

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