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An American couple is visiting Russia for the first time, and while in Moscow,…

An American couple is visiting Russia for the first time, and while in Moscow, they decide to hire a guide. Using the telephone book, it didn't take them long to hire a tour guide, a young man named Rudolph. The tour began at the Kremlin, proceded to the Bolshoi, and then on to Red Square. Just after they'd arrived at the square, it began to drizzle a little and Rudolph commented, "It's starting to rain. Perhaps we should return to your hotel."
"No," said the husband. "It is only snowing. Let's continue the tour." Rudolph again insisted that it was raining and the husband again argued that it was snowing. Two or three more comments about the weather passed before the little woman poked her husband in the ribs and whispered, "Better let him have his way. This is Russia and Rudolph the red knows rain, dear!"