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Michael Bublé - Wonderful Tonight

Michael Bublé — Wonderful Tonight

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Wonderful Tonight

It's late in the evening
She's wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make-up
And brushes her long blonde hair
And then she asks me
"Do I look all right?"
And I say: "Yes, you look wonderful tonight."
A noite é de festa
E ela veste o luar
Me arrasta e me testa
Se sente uma superstar
E então pergunta se eu estou em paz
Eu digo sim, I feel wonderful tonight
I feel wonderful because I see
The love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you
I feel wonderful because I see
The love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize
How much I love you
De volta pra casa
Cansados de festejar
(De festejar...)
Me deita e me abraça
Me beija e não quer falar
And then I tell her
As I turn off the lights
"Darling, estavas linda até demais"
I say "My darling, you were wonderful tonight"
I say "My darling, you were wonderful tonight"

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